Have You Been Searching For A Sure-Fire Way To Paint Your Own Guitar? One That'll Give You The Know-How To Do It RIGHT From Beginning To End?

"You're About To Discover The Easiest, Most Thorough, Step-By-Step Method For Painting Your Own Guitar, That Is GUARANTEED To Get You Factory-Like Results - Even If It's Your VERY FIRST ATTEMPT!"

Introducing, 'HOW TO Create A Factory Guitar Finish...' - Your Step-By-Step Blueprint To Guitar-Painting SUCCESS!
PAINT YOUR OWN GUITAR's, 'HOW TO Create A Factory Guitar Finish With Just A Couple Of Spray Cans' was designed to teach you the PROPER way to paint a guitar, and to reduce, and even ELIMINATE, the learning curve.

Instead of making every mistake possible - which is completely natural when learning something you're not familiar with, my e-book gets you past the learning curve of painting guitars and puts YOU right where you want to be. And, that's - producing KILLER FACTORY-LIKE GUITAR FINISHES.

'HOW TO Create A Factory Guitar Finish' is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step method that educates you, and gives you the confidence and skill to be able to produce killer graphics and stunning factory-like finishes - all without using ANY expensive equipment. You're doing it with SPRAY CANS!

This e-book takes ALL of the mystery and guesswork out of achieving what you never thought was possible. No stoned has been left unturned.



The e-book is broken down - step-by-step; it's both easy-to-read and easy-to-understand. In fact, many of the people painting a guitar for the first time using this e-book achieve the same results that I do. You read that right - they achieve the same results that I do!

I know it appears to be very daunting and difficult, because, believe me - I was once in your shoes; however, this e-book is so thorough and well-written, it ARMS you with the confidence you need to achieve results that will BLOW YOU AWAY.

I know what you're saying... "But I've never painted a guitar before. Do you really think that I can get the same results that you do?"

ABSOLUTELY! ...I've seen thousands of photo testimonials that PROVE that following my step-by-step method works - even on first attempts. Just check out Scott Gulbransen. His 5150 was one of the very first guitars he ever painted! Scott is just one of thousands of people who have used the PAINT YOUR OWN GUITAR book series to not only achieve awesome results, but to FINALLY paint that DREAM GUITAR they've always wanted.

From: John Gleneicki
Date:  Friday, July 18, 2008


Dear fellow guitarist...

Have you ever attempted to paint your own guitar only to fail miserably? If you answered, "YES," you're not alone. Many first-timers who attempt to paint their own guitar are destined to fail.

But, what if I told you that you could paint your own guitar, even if it's your first attempt, and your finished guitar would blow you away?

Would you believe me?

Sound very nice doesnt it?? Well here at bitchinlicks we just started building our own guitars, and we were looking for some great info about building/customising them

now this is your chance to get you hands on one of the best,one and only paint your guitar course!!!

Below ill post the testimonials paint your guitar ahs on his site, its quite impressive,me myself i ordered the camo and tiger the books got some awesome tricks in there that could help YOU make the finish you always wanted!!!

I will post some more examples down here,if your down with that go order now, you wont regret it

Mischa Bovendeert from Bitchinlicks!!!!

This is the best way to learn how to paint your guitar,getting the finish YOU want,not spending hundreds of dollars on a learning course at school or what not, believe me,this is a real eye opener!!!
